Below is an article that caught my interest on a friend's facebook. I was very curious to know everything it said, so I decided I'd translate it for homework tonight.
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「千年に一度の巨大地震の世紀」 東海・東南海・南海3連動と首都圏直下型地震も 平安時代に匹敵と地震考古学の研究者
2011.8.3 00:59
Japanese archaeology researchers, "Huge Earthquake Era happens around Every Thousand Years", Similar to the Heian Era (794-1135), Focused on the 3 major faults, the Tokai, the Tonankai, and the Nankai fault.
written Aug. 3, 2011
According to archaeological studies, the Heian period was heavy in seismic activity. In the Jougan years, specifically in the year 869, there was a huge earthquake quite similar to the size and location of the Hanshin Earthquake in the 1990's. These scientists are warning that Japan has once again entered the once every thousand years, "earthquake age", and that it's highly probable that many large earthquakes will happen along these three conjoined faults.
寒川氏は、古代以降の文献史料とともに、各地の遺跡で発掘された地割れや液状化現象による噴砂などの地震痕跡を調査。9世紀前半に関東北部や東北などでマグニチュード(M)7前後の地震が相次いだ後、貞観地震が発生していることを確認した。From literature and historical data from the past, after the large earthquake, several earthquakes around magnitude 7 occurred around the Northern area of Japan.
Archaeologists are able to study earthquakes from the past through the excavations of historical ruins and studies made in the fissures of the ground surrounding it, along with traces of liquidated ground
貞観地震は当時の歴史書「日本三代実録」に、「海は猛(たけ)り吼(ほ)え、津波が怒濤(どとう)のように多賀城下に押し寄せ、千人がおぼれ死んだ」と記述。当時の海岸から約5キロ内陸の多賀城跡(宮城県多賀城市)周辺では道路が寸断された跡が見つかり、仙台市などでは津波で運ばれた堆積物もあった。According to 日本三代実録, the sixth of six Japanese historical textbooks, The huge Jougan earthquake caused the ocean's waves to advance upon the city in huge multiple waves and 1,000 people nearly drowned. The ruins of Taga Castle showed that the waves advanced 5 kilometers inland. Ruins from the city, castle and roads were found on the outskirts of the town carried by the tidal wave.
878年には関東南部でM7以上の直下型地震が発生。887年の仁和地震では、日本三代実録に「都(京都)の建物は倒壊し、圧死する者多数。海岸には海潮(津波)が押し寄せ、無数の人がおぼれ死んだ。大阪湾岸も津波被害が甚大だった」と記録。東海から四国にかけて甚大な被害があったという。Quotes from these history books recount that in the year 878, the southern part of Kantou was hit by an earthquake greater than magnitude 7. In 887, records say that the capital building of Kyoto collapsed, crushing a large number of people, and soon after giant waves rolled in from the sea. Tsunami from Osaka bay also created a lot of damage. From that earthquake, there was even great damage in the Tokai area and Shikoku.
寒川氏の分析によると、最近数十年間に秋田などで死者100人以上を出した日本海中部地震(昭和58年、M7・7)や阪神大震災(M7・3)、新潟県中越沖地震(平成19年、M6・8)など各地でM7前後の地震があり、その後東日本大震災が発生した点が、平安時代の状況と共通していると指摘した。According to one scientist, Mr. Kangawa, he wants to point out the similarities between geological activity during the Heian period, to what has been happening within the past 20 years. He starts with a magnitude 7.7 earthquake in Akita that killed over 100 people in 1984, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake, the Great Hanshin earthquake in Kobe, the 6.8 occurring off the coast of Niigata in 2008, and now the Great East Japan earthquake measuring a 9.0 in 2011.
首都圏直下型地震や東海・東南海・南海地震について寒川氏は、いずれもフィリピン海プレートの影響下にあり関連が深く、過去の首都圏直下型や仁和地震に匹敵する3連動型地震が発生する可能性が高いとした。It is highly probable for a shallow earthquake to hit in the Tokyo earthquake because of the strain from the Phillipine plate which connects to the other three fault lines right below the capital city.
また、6月30日に長野県中部で起きた震度5強の地震は、千年あまり活動がなかった牛伏寺(ごふくじ)断層付近で発生。7月5日にも和歌山県北部で震度5強の地震があったことからも日本列島が活動期にあることが改めて浮き彫りになった。Based on the fact that there has been earthquakes even in areas that rarely get activity, such as the center of Nagano and Wakayama (both had magnitude 5 quakes), it shows that Japan has once again entered an earthquake age where all the plates and fault lines are readjusting.
一方、古代以降、M8・2程度の元禄関東地震(1703年)や3連動型の宝永地震(1707年)があった「18世紀初め」、安政東海地震(1854年)や、高さ9メートルの津波が襲ったという翌日の安政南海地震、死者1万人といわれる安政江戸地震(1855年)が起きた「幕末」にも巨大地震が集中したが、三陸沖では東日本大震災に匹敵する地震はなかった。On the other hand, since the earthquake age of the ancient times, there was another period where a large amounts of earthquakes happened during a short period of time. An 8.2 magnitude earthquake in Kantou in 1703, a big earthquake in 1854 that caused a 9 meter tall tsunami. The recent 20 years of large earthquakes also resembles that 18th century cluster of connected earthquakes, however during that time, there wasn't any activity in the North-East area of Japan.
寒川氏は「東日本大震災では『想定外』という言葉がしばしば使われたが、文献史料には過去の巨大地震が詳しく記されており、決して想定外ではない」と話した。The words "this disaster was beyond our greatest expectations" have been used again and again by various people. However, according to literature and historical records, earthquakes of this magnitude have been described in great detail. "This disaster was by no means "beyond anyone's expectations", says Mr. Kangawa.
古村孝志・東大地震研究所教授(地震学)の話「これまで、江戸時代以前のデータは不確かさがあるということで防災対策などでもあまり注目されなかったが、今回を教訓に文献史料などを見直さないといけない。東日本大震災後の余震は以前より落ち着いてきたが、陸のプレート深部はまだ動いており、バランスをとるために再び大地震が発生する可能性が高く、対策が急がれる」It has been said by those in charge of disaster prevention that the data from before the Edo era was unreliable. However, Mr. Takashi Furomura, an earthquake research professor of seismology at Tokyo University, says that we should learn from this experience and take a closer look at the historical records of the past, that have been discredited up until now. He also goes on to warn that the aftershocks from the Great Eastern Japan earthquake have calmed, BUT that the chances for major earthquakes are still quite high, in order for the plates deep in the earth to find a balance.
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