Sunday, March 11, 2007

Birth, Day, Park, Play

"What the hell is going on over there?" says the woman to her husband one fine Saturday afternoon.
"Why so many gaijin?" he replies.

"Well we better make a move on. Wouldn't want to rile em up." they figured after a moment's consideration.

"They look crazier than the normal Gaijins we see on TV." her husband silently notices.

"Obaasan, is that alcohol in their hands?" he wonders in a whisper.

"My god it's feeding time. Let's hurry!" they simultaneously surmise.

"No, no, no. But wait. They've got our children! My god, they've got our children!!!"

"There's nothing we can do to save them now. Those Gaijin, they love em."

In the works for about 3 or so weeks, was Kate's plan to celebrate Glen's birthday a week early with some good ole fashion sports day in the park with a group of fun-lovin' peeps. Mission accomplished, complete with a pool bar afterparty.

Arriving in spurts, we grew amazed at the picnic pre-thoughts of the group. Aine bringing her cricket set, Brandon with an ice chest, Rachel with her audio equipment, and plenty more with beer and Konbini cuisine.
Kate supplied the banana bread and candles, but forgot to bring a cuttin' knife. So Grace suggested cutting them with her umbrella.

After eating lunch, our little group of 20 somethings were summoned by a some members of a girls' middle school soccer club.

At first it was us against them. But then, after they began to slaughter us, they mixed it up and played on.

See what i mean, two goalies!

They played on.

And on.

It was fun.

So intense, with barely any time to rehydrate....with biru:)

After the game ended, the girls wished Glen a happy birthday. Then we packed up for the afterparty.

Post Script

afterparty pics coming soon..........

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